Despite our best efforts to be rational and reasonable thinkers, many of us fall into the trap of thinking mistakes, also known as cognitive distortions. There are a number of common cognitive distortions that most people make, one of them being Black and White / All-or-Nothing Thinking. This is when you believe that only one thing can be true to the exclusion of all else. It’s believing that there is only one truth and leaving no space for other options, opinions, or thoughts.
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As we move along in therapy and begin exploring some of the possible contributors to challenges we face, it can feel like we see patterns everywhere! We may think, “I’ve been handling things the same way forever!” “Will I ever be able to change?” “I’m turning out just like my parents!” No worries! This is a super common feeling to have and it does NOT mean you’re doomed to repeat the past.
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Do you have those moments when it feels like your entire body has been taken over by a feeling? When it doesn’t even matter if you know the feeling is out of proportion because it’s such an all-consuming tidal wave that you can’t begin stop it? I imagine most of us HSPs have had and will continue to have these moments—much to our chagrin. We hate them, right? I have that sense of “Wait, seriously?” when it starts to happen. Like, are you kidding me—I’m here—AGAIN?! But, that doesn’t make the tears subside.
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Hi there. How are you? Ohhh, you sound a little tired, a bit worn down, kinda draggy and not quite your best self. Ever tell yourself that if you could just get yourself to do X, you’re pretty sure your life would shift in the direction you want? Ever feel like you need some space and support to actually face big changes or big feelings so that you can move through them? Well, my friend, I’m writing this letter for you. We’ve all been there--life can become so hectic with all the “must do’s” that we never quite get around to the “it would make me feel so much better if I . . . do’s”.
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